To get local people involved and to catch histories we have arranged a couple of storytelling events in our nonprofit café Schuckert. Below photos showing Ann-Britt Erixon telling about her childhood on Ön (the Island). Her grandfather was coachman and the house they lived in was named after his profession (Kuskebyggninga). (2015)
In June 2015 we hade a meeting at our old peoples house where 25 inhabitants participated. Those 80 to 90 years old locals have so many and precise memories that we could not catch them all in one meeting.
Text and photos: Lena Adamina Waldau
The people's house in Långed (Långeds folkets hus) is one of the oldest in Sweden and still has wonderful set-pieces with birchwoods and other kind of backgrounds on the scene, and a functioning projector for film on rolls.
In March 2015 we invited the public to bring photoalbums and other kinds of souvenirs to this house. Our "head scannerer" Patrik Olofsson was fully occupied in six hours in scanning all that was relevant for our project. The rest of us talked with all visitors, heard all their stories and memories and enjoyed the atmosphere.